Paranormal Romance
Stand Alone
He Speaks Dead
Charlie Harrington not only sees the dead and speaks with them, he can make them real. Lucky for him, because the love of his life, Ethan, isn't among the living.
While their relationship is unusual, things are good between them until Charlie is accused of murder and Detective Daniel Briggs walks into his life. Then, for the first time in years, Charlie is attracted to someone alive.
Ethan knows he should step aside and let Charlie live his life, but he just can’t give Charlie up--even if staying with Charlie may eventually kill him.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Heartfelt And Beautiful
Wow! Adrienne Wilder keeps surprising and amazing me. I can normally cope only with small helpings of the paranormal. But she manages to create whole worlds that suck you in, twist you around, leave you at the edge of your seat and move your heart.
...I highly recommend this book and this author. He has quite an imaginative and can craft such a well-written and exciting story that you will not be able to put it down once you start reading it.
The God Code: Nephilim Prophecy
For twenty years the Covenant between Serenity and Chaos has stopped the war between Heaven and Hell, but left mankind vulnerable to the Demonic.
And warriors like Indigo Black, a Palet, a man cursed with the ability to kill and see the Demonic, have been forbidden from seeking out the evil walking among men and destroying it.
The one time Indigo dare challenge the Covenant to save an a human life, the Church punished him by breaking the wings of his Guardian Angel and lover, Ariel, and cast him out of heaven. Living with the burden of his guilt has cost Indigo everything.
Then the death of a mentor begins to unravel a deadly secret. The Demonic have some how created a Nephilim who has a human soul and is capable of being possessed by the most powerful members of the Demonic Parliament. A vessel who would allow the Demonic to walk the mortal plain.
With the Covenant broken, Indigo must win the battle go protect an innocent who holds the fate of mankind, and win an all out war to save his heart.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Another great read from A. Wilder
True love seems to find a way in most of Wilder's books that I have read, but I have shed my share of tears along the way as well.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ You Won't Go Wrong With This One
Another up all night journey with Adrienne Wilder's AMAZING story telling. I LOVED this story all the characters were so detailed and perfect in their own way.